Callers and Music in 2013Lisa Greenleaf, MA, USA
Lisa is a fabulous and experienced caller with lots of humour. Lisa has been in Tommerup before, and we have tried many times to get her back to Denmark. She has refused of private reasons, which we of course had to accept, but now at long last she is back, and we look forward to see her again. We are sure that she will offer you a good dance experience, and she wil be running a special workshop Saturday for the "real hard core dancers".
Lisa Greenleaf + Latter Day Lizards. YoutubeWill Mentor, VT, USA
Will lives in northern Vermount. He creates a festive atmosphere when calling with a nice, clear and rhythmical voice. We are sure that Lisa and Will are a dreamteam of american callers. Workshops and dance Saturday and Sunday will be great fun.
Will Mentor. YoutubeInge Aakilde. DK
Inge is an experienced and well known caller, with 25 years calling background. Inge is a good dancer, and a safe caller. Inge is calling in Amager Square Dancers. As an extra plus she is working a lot with historical Playford Dances.
Amager Square DancersLise Gro Sander. DK
Lise is calling in Avedøre IF Square Dance. She started calling in 2000. Lise has many years experience as dance instructor, and she is certified by DGI.
Both Inge and Lise has been calling to many Dance events in Silkeborg Konvent, Kattinge Værk, ...
Avedøre IF Square DanceEnglish Contra Dance Band. UK
Now again and again. Yes they are popular. We don't think they can do without us. Linda is a fascinating fiddleplayer, and Gareth bangs the piano, it can't be better.
English Contra Dance Band , UKThe Latter Day Lizards. USA
Many dancers have expressed a wish, again to get a band from USA in Tommerup. We are proud to present a trio, based on New England music. The Latter Day Lizards repertoire is huge. From irish and scottish traditionel jigs and reels to blues and swing tunes. The Latter Day Lizards add cheerfulness, drama and rhythm to their dance music. With Peter Barnes on piano, guitar and flute, Bill Tomczak on clarinet and saxofon and Dave Langford on fiddle and guitar, they mix swing, rock-and-roll and jazz musik with traditional dancemusic.
The Latter Day Lizards